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Thursday, November 18, 2010


The things I liked about the word poster is it was much faster in completing and you can make the poster look neater and colorful with the features given. The word poster was better than the handmade poster because you can upload images from the internet that add creativeness and you can add a variety of shapes to type your text in with changing the color and lines of the selected shape. On the handmade poster I liked how I could put words in a picture that I drew without having two different colors meet, such as the words "Circle of Fifths" was shown on the handmade poster over the staff without extra white hanging off, but the word poster wouldn't let me change the white to the background color I had.

The things I liked about the glogster poster is you can add creative graphics and can add effects to the image or graphic such as the shadow or blur. The glogster poster was better than the handmade poster because you can display much more color and creativeness that I could ever add myself, no matter how much I worked on it. On the handmade poster I liked how I could set it up exactly the way I want on the layout, but sometimes I couldn't get it to the accurate position I would prefer with glogster. The glogster poster had more options to add attractiveness and creativity than the word poster. The word poster had a lot more font options and colors to insert into text boxes or graphics than the glogster poster, but it wasn't something that took a lot out of the poster.

The medium I liked best was the glogster poster because of the extra features it offered and it made my poster look more appealing. First, I like how there were many different categories to choose from to find what you need and would like for an image or graphic. Next, I enjoyed uploading a picture from the internet and being able to change the color which wasn't possible in the other program. Lastly, the features that you can add to the poster included frames to pictures that gave it a cool view.