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Thursday, April 14, 2011

War Essay

War is a worthless way of fighting and in my opinion nothing is settled during war. The things that are achieved aren’t even considered an achievement to most people. The aspects of war are only getting more complicated and it is even more difficult for soldiers and military families. One reason is uncertainty of how war is started. Another reason is finding time to communicate with the family member. The last reason is how it will affect families and relatives at home.

There are many reasons why wars are started between countries or even people within a country such as a civil war. They could be started because of oil or other necessities countries need. There may have been a dispute between two or more countries before and it began a war. Some are even over land and natural resources that are located within a country and are not allowed access by others. The war against Iraq and the United States for example was started by terrorists crashing into the World Trade Center, but others think there are different reasons.

Someone who has a relative overseas knows how hard it is to have that someone gone for a year or even more. With a family member overseas it is hard to find time to communicate with that someone due to schedules at home and over there. According to some families, they talk at least once every week or less. There are also situations that scare some families because of their relative’s location overseas. Families can be split apart for sometime because of this and death can come to the soldier that can tear families apart too.

War can affect families and relatives at home in many ways. Families have to adapt to the family member not being home because if it is a parent there is less transportation to travel around and it will be difficult to do everything that could be accomplished with two parents around the house. During holidays, people overseas aren’t always allowed to come home and if they do it is only two weeks. This is only permitted one time.

War has many bad effects on others. People are still uncertain on how wars are started. Family members don’t always have communication with the relative overseas which makes it hard to talk to each other. Finally, it is very hard for families to adapt to the differences caused by an absence of a family member. These reasons are why war to me is worthless and does not solve any problems and never will.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Personal Publishing & Cyperbullying

I personally publish pictures, blog entries, voice threads and comments on e-mail, blogger, voice thread, etc.

Personal Publishing is displaying information publicly on the internet. You can publish ideas, thoughts, etc. This can create memories and can be shared with many.

Some risks in personally publishing are hurting others with words, displaying inappropriate pictures, information may not be accurate, and maybe getting yourself at risk.

  1. No
  2. My friends & classmates
  3. My parents would be proud because I don’t say anything inappropriate.


  1. What are some of the negative effects that cyperbullying can have on a person? There are several effects that cyperbullying can cause. Many victims are embarrassed to go to school and it removes all their confidence. Researchers have found a connection between cyperbullying and self-esteem, school violence, family problems, and delinquent behavior. Also, people who have been affected developed suicidal thoughts.
  2. Where does cyperbullying commonly occur? Cyperbullying has occurred where most teens hang out. Internet is one of the places. Due to the increase of teens visiting certain sites on the internet, cyperbullying has increased too. Kids are increasing the risk of cyperbullying by texting too. Researchers are also noticing it in gaming devices and social gaming sites.
  3. How much cyperbullying is out there? Researchers estimate about 10-40% have experienced cyperbullying. The definition of cyperbullying is someone who says something disrespectful to someone consistently over texting or online. About 10% of teens are a victim of cyperbullying and someone who commits it too.
  4. How is cyperbullying different from traditional bullying? Cyperbullying is different than traditional bullying because victims don’t know who the offender is.  The actions are witnessed by a large amount of people due to its location on the internet too. Teens find it easier to be disrespectful using technology for its distance from the person. Also, parents don’t have the right technology to track conversations either.
  5. Why is cyperbullying becoming a major issue? Cyperbullying is becoming a major issue because more kids are getting devices, such as cell phones, that include internet access. Many kids think it is better to say words online than in the present. Adults don’t have the right monitoring to punish someone, so they do it with little consequences.
  6. What are the biggest challenges in the fight to stop cyperbullying? The biggest challenges in fighting cyperbullying are people don’t think cyperbullying is very harsh or a big deal, but some think it will only get worse. Another challenge is parents and teachers don’t know how to respond or have the skills to deal with it. Due to these, cyperbullying is unknown by most people which makes it become a larger issue. The lack of involvement in this situation has brought more people to make a difference in eliminating it.
  7. Are there any warning signs that might indicate when cyperbullying is occurring? If an adolescence is experiencing cyperbullying they usually stop using the computer or cell phone, make excuses to not go to school, act depressed or angry, or ignore the question of conversations talked about online. If a child is committing cyperbullying they will close out of programs quickly, be frustrated about internet restrictions, or act unlike his/her usual behavior.
  8. What can parents do? Parents can comfort them and make sure they feel safe. They can schedule meetings with the school or reach the offender’s parents to search the situation. Parents must teach their kids respectful online behavior and monitor their child while they are online. They might also have the child sign a contract saying they will follow the rules and if they don’t that there will be consequences. If parents find out that there child is cyperbullying, they should approach their child right away on how that is inappropriate and restrict internet access.
  9. What should schools do to prevent cyperbullying? Schools can prevent cyperbullying by warning students if the internet is misused there will be consequences. Teachers should discuss respectful online behaviors to classes and have an agreement to be issued and signed. Schools should look over harassment and bullying policies and to make staff and students know that this also includes cyperbullying and will not be tolerated. Usually though if you talk to the parents of the offender the conflict will be resolved.
  10. What should schools do to respond to cyperbullying? Schools respond to cyperbullying by collaborating with parents and students that this behavior is taken seriously. If a student doesn’t feel safe to come to school because cyperbullying continues after other attempts have failed that detention and suspension may be issued to the offender.
  11. How is cyperbullying and school climate related? People who experience cyperbullying or commit it have a poorer climate at school than the ones who haven’t experienced it. It is important that the school focuses on safe and respectful atmosphere for learning. Students will be happier and have a fun experience without out being bullied.
  12. What can youth do? The youth should have a good relationship with a parent or adult to talk to about cyperbullying. A journal can help with the dates and incidents of the conflict. They should show their parents the websites they use and visit too. Also, kids shouldn’t say anything online that they wouldn’t say in person.
  13. What can bystanders do? Bystanders are very important to any situation. They witness the incidents and stand up for the victim when needed. Also, they make a huge difference for a lot of victims and help them improve the situation. The bystander should never agree with the offender or let the fight continue.
  14. What can law enforcement do? Law enforcement needs to be aware of the state laws. Some school resource officers don’t know if there is a cyperbullying law in their state. A conversation about legal circumstances can lead students to discontinue the behavior too. Officers can talk to students during class about online safety and address parents about it too.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Voice Thread Review

1. Our voice thread was about Anne Frank's life and her experience through World War II.
2.  I contibuted to the voice thread by taking notes, uploading pictures, and commenting on one of our slides.
3. Ashley - took notes, found pictures, and commented
    Velsi - took notes, found pictures, and commented
    Jacoby - took notes, found pictures, and commented
4. Our classmates should visit this voice thread because it contains interesting information about her and they can learn more about her experience through the hard times of World War II.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Titled Names Revisited

letter S


letter n



I like the Flickr name better because it took different styles of letters to connect it into one name. Both of them were actually really easy to operate. Flickr was really easy to use because you only had to type your name and click on the letter that you liked. Glitter Text was similar because you would also type your name and choose the font and colors. They were set up well so they were easy to navigate too.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Voice Thread: Washington D.C. Experiences & Oso Pardo

Washington D.C. Experiences

This voice thread was about a kid going on a trip to Washingon D.C. and touring the city. I was interested in this voice thread because I have visited and he has visited things I did too. I liked it because it had a lot of pictures, audio, and messages. The author had an audio for all slides too. There wasn't a negative that came to mind, but it seemed well planned out and had information that related to his story.

Oso Pardo

This voice thread was about people commenting on their pictures and describing them in Spanish.. The name of the voice thread is "Grizzly Bear" (Oso Pardo). I was interested in this voice thread because Spanish has been fun and I wanted to see if I could understand it. The reason I liked it was younger kids took pictures of what they drew and presented it. While there were some negatives like there were words I didn't know, so it would be nice if they had a translator sometimes and there weren't many comments.

The site Voice Thread is a useful thing to put stories about an adventure in your life or to put useful ideas that may help others. I like that it is organized and has all the voice threads with a summary showing when the mouse scrolls over it. A negative is that there might be a topic that isn't on their, but may find one similar to it. It is another way to communicate with others who have had a similar experience or talk about something that other people have the same interest.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Great Blog

I picked Jami's Blog.
  • Jami's Blog is colorful and has it layed out to her liking.
  • She also made it to match the theme. There is a picture of Screamtown with dark and bright Halloween colors.
  • She has all the required postings in an organized column to make it look neat.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Favorite Class Essay

If I were to pick my favorite class in school, I would pick Spanish. One reason I enjoy it is there are games that are open to me to learn more vocabulary. Learning a new language is the second reason for liking Spanish and my last reason is I can communicate in a different language.

One reason Spanish is my favorite class is the activities we can do to learn more vocabulary. I really enjoy playing vocabulary games on the internet during my free time or even when I am in Spanish class. When I started out playing the games, I was getting more wrong than right. After awhile when I kept coming back to the site I kept improving my score.  Once I did it a couple of times it makes me want to do it more and get a better score, which is what I like about these games. 

            Learning a new language is another reason Spanish is my favorite class. Mostly everyone knows learning a new language is a little tough at first or maybe through it all, but I can understand it. I have become comfortable learning Spanish; I feel I know the concepts of it very well. The language is also pretty, but different than English in some ways. An example is adjectives go behind the thing you are describing instead of in front of it.

The last reason Spanish is my favorite class is I can communicate in a different language. I think talking in a different language is fun because you can communicate with others who know it and have a conversation with them that others may not understand. I feel I can speak it fluently in class and through a conversation too.

Through all my classes Spanish is my favorite class because I enjoy it. I have earned a very high vocabulary by playing the vocabulary games. I am able to learn another language that isn’t hard, but requires work at it. Also, being able to communicate in a second language can help me when I travel to places where they speak Spanish. Speaking Spanish can offer me many opportunities and I hope to learn more in the future.